
boolean scrapeableFile.wasErrorOnRequest ( )


Determine if an error occurred with the request. Errors are considered to be server timeouts as well as any status code outside of the range 200-399.


This method does not receive any parameters.

Return Values

Returns true for server timeouts as well as any status code outside of the range 200-399; otherwise, it returns false.

Change Log

Version Description
4.5 Available for all editions.

This method must be called after the file is scraped.

If you want to know what the status code was you can use getStatusCode.


Check for Request Errors

 // In script called "After file is scraped"

 // If an error occurred when the file was requested, an error
 // message indicating such gets output to the log.

 if( scrapeableFile.wasErrorOnRequest() )
     session.log( "Connection error occurred." );