Server Settings

Server Settings (professional and enterprise editions only)

Server (professional and enterprise editions only)

These settings apply when screen-scraper is running in server mode.

  • Port: Sets the port screen-scraper will listen on when running as a server.
  • Generate log files: If checked, a log file will be generated in the log folder each time a scraping session is run.
  • Hosts to allow to connect: Caution should be exercised whenever a network service is running on a computer. This is no exception with screen-scraper. If this box is blank screen-scraper will allow any machine to connect to it. This is not recommended unless the machine on which screen-scraper is running is protected by external firewalls. A comma-delimited list of host names and IP addresses that should be allowed to connect to screen-scraper should be entered into this box. For example, if localhost is designated screen-scraper will only allow connections from the local machine. Note also that portions of IP addresses can be designated. For example, if 192.168 were designated, the following IP addresses would be allowed to connect:,, etc. Note that this setting applies both to the proxy server as well as when screen-scraper is running in server mode.

Proxy Server (professional and enterprise editions only)

These settings apply only to the proxy server portion of screen-scraper.

  • Port: Sets the port screen-scraper's proxy server should listen on.
  • Don't log binary files: If this box is checked screen-scraper will not log any binary files (e.g., images and Flash files) in the HTTP Transactions table for proxy sessions.

Mail Server (professional and enterprise editions only)

These settings are used with the sutil.sendMail method in screen-scraper scripts.

  • Host: The host the mail should be sent through.
  • Username: The username required to authenticate to the mail server in order to send mail through it. Note that this may not be required by the mail server.
  • Password: The password required to authenticate to the mail server in order to send mail through it. Note that this may not be required by the mail server.
  • Port: The port that should be used when connecting to the host (corresponding setting in resource/conf/ file: MailServerPort=PortNumber).
  • Use TLS/SSL: Whether or not TLS/SSL encryption should be used when communicating with the host (corresponding setting in resource/conf/ file: MailServerUsesTLS=true).

Web/SOAP Server (professional and enterprise editions only)

These settings apply only to the web interface and SOAP server features of screen-scraper.

  • Port: Sets the port screen-scraper's web/SOAP server should listen on. When accessing the web interface, this number will determine what goes after the colon in the URL. For example, if this number is left at the default value (8779), you would access screen-scraper's web interface with this URL: http://localhost:8779/.