
void session.logError ( Object message ) (professional and enterprise editions only)


Write message to the log, at the the error level (least verbose).


  • message Message to be written to the log after being converted to a String using String.valueOf( message ).

Return Values

Returns void. If an error occurs, an error will be thrown.

Change Log

Version Description
5.5 Now accepts any Object as a message
4.5 Available for professional and enterprise editions.


Write to Log at Error level

 // Sends the message to the highest level of logging.
 session.logError( "Error parsing date: " + session.getVariable( "DATE" ) );

  • log() [session] - Sends a message to the log as a debugging message
  • logDebug() [session] - Sends a message to the log as a debugging message
  • logInfo() [session] - Sends a message to the log as an informative message
  • logWarn() [session] - Sends a message to the log as a warning
  • error() [log] - Sends a message to the log as an error message