
void log.logObjectByType ( Object object )
void log.logObjectByType ( Object object, int logLevel )
void log.logObjectByTypeDebug ( Object object ) (professional and enterprise editions only)
void log.logObjectByTypeInfo ( Object object ) (professional and enterprise editions only)
void log.logObjectByTypeWarn ( Object object ) (professional and enterprise editions only)
void log.logObjectByTypeError ( Object object ) (professional and enterprise editions only)


Logs the Object in a semi intelligent way. For example, Maps are logged as key-value pairs, lists are logged with one element per line, all elements of a set are logged, etc... Some objects will just log their value using String.valueOf() if it isn't a standard type of data set/list


  • object The Object to write to the log
  • logLevel (optional) The level to log the data record at, as an int

Return Value

This method returns void.

Change Log

Version Description
5.5.29a Available in all editions.
5.5.43a Moved from session to log class.


Log the dataSet
