
void log.logDataRecord ( DataRecord record )
void log.logDataRecord ( DataRecord record, int logLevel )
void log.logDataRecordDebug ( DataRecord record ) (professional and enterprise editions only)
void log.logDataRecordInfo ( DataRecord record ) (professional and enterprise editions only)
void log.logDataRecordWarn ( DataRecord record ) (professional and enterprise editions only)
void log.logDataRecordError ( DataRecord record ) (professional and enterprise editions only)


Logs all the values in a Data Record to the log, with one line per value. If a value in the record is a List, Set, Map, Data Set, Scrapeable File, or Exception, it will have detailed output as well.


  • record The Data Record to output to the log
  • logLevel (optional) The level to log the data record at, as an int
    Values are 1-Debug, 2-Info, 3-Warn, 4-Error, or can be obtained from com.screenscraper.common.Notifiable.LEVEL_(DEBUG/INFO/WARN/ERROR)
    When omitted, the log level used is the session logging level.

Return Values

This method returns nothing

Change Log

Version Description
5.5.26a Available in all editions.
5.5.43a Moved from session to log class.


Log a Data Record

 // Log a scraped data record before saving it to a database

The output from the above call might look something like this:

--- A_FLOAT : 3.14159
--- A_LIST : List
------ Element 0 : Value 1
------ Element 1 : Value 2
------ Element 2 : Value 3
------ Element 3 : Set
--------- Element : A value
--------- Element : More value
--------- Element : Other stuff
--- A_MAP : Map
------ KEY_1 : 1
------ KEY_2 : 2
------ KEY_3 : 3
--- A_SET : Set Logged above as "------ Element 3 : "
--- A_STRING : Screen-Scraper
--- AN_INT : 5