3: Where to Go From Here


First off, Congratulations! You have made it through another tutorial and are progressing in your abilities to extract information from the web. The approach outlined in this tutorial works great for relatively small sets of data. When we extract records from the shopping site we're probably not going to extract more than 25 or so. When screen-scraper extracts the data it is saved in memory (remember we checked the Automatically save the data set generated by this extractor pattern in a session variable checkbox for the PRODUCTS extractor pattern, which is what causes this to happen), so it works fine because there aren't that many products.

More Training/Tutorials

Where to next? Well, what would happen if we needed to extract and save large numbers of records? The simple answer is that you need to save them out as they're extracted rather than having screen-scraper keep them in memory. Usually this means either inserting the scraped records into a database or writing them out to a text file.

Tutorial 2 already illustrated how to write the data out to a file but Tutorial 5 will walk your through saving scraped data to a database (if you interested in this you might also find this FAQ helpful).

Just remember that if you're writing the data out to a file you'll want to uncheck the box labeled Automatically save the data set generated by this extractor pattern in a session variable for the extractor pattern that pulls out the data you want to save. If it's checked it will cause screen-scraper to store all of the data in memory, which could cause it to run out of memory while it's running.

Tutorial 6 will use screen-scraper to create an XML Feed from the e-commerce site while Tutorial 7 will go through using a file of search terms to run the search scrape multiple times and write it to a file.

Still a Little Lost?

If you don't feel comfortable with the process, we invite you to recreate the scrape using the tutorial only for reference. This can be done using only the screen-shots while you work on it. If you are still struggling you can search our forums for others like yourself and ask specific questions to the screen-scraper community.