Simple VBScript date formatting question

It is my understanding that I have to pass a date to a POST parameter as a string, not a date.

If today's date is 6/18, I can get a string "06/17/2006" using:

Call RunnableScrapingSession.SetVariable( "YESTR_DATE", CStr(DateAdd( "d", -1, Date) ) )

but I am stuck there.

1. How can I get yesterday's date into a MMDDYY string? ("061706")

2. Is there an entry-level VBScript site or book that can be recommended? What I seem to find online are just re-hashes of the Microsoft site.



Simple VBScript date formatting question

Thanks, todd.

I can't check until later today, but I'll let you know how it works out.


Simple VBScript date formatting question


Looks like you could do it by combining the Day, Month, Year, and Right functions (here. Also, there are probably better forums for VBScript than this one. You might Google around a bit to see if you run across any.

Kind regards,

Todd Wilson