Larger scrape patterns

I had a problem with SS last night that forced me to scrap my whole project and start again : (

I had an extractor pattern that basically looked like this:




Each block (A, B...) was basically copied and pasted from the scraped page itself, and then modified to contain a single token. So in this example, I'm getting two token out of the HTML.

Unfortunately, when I tried to use that pattern, it didn't find anything. So, then I tried removing block B, and everything worked fine. Then I tried removing block A, and again, everything worked fine. IOW, block A and B individual worked, but for some reason they could not work simultaneously.

Does anyone have an idea why that is?


Larger scrape patterns


I'm having a bit of trouble following your description. Could you include a portion of the HTML you're extracting from, as well as your actual extractor pattern?


Todd Wilson