optional --params

is there a way to test if parameters were passed before attempting params.get()?

If I run from command line, and I pass any parameter, then attempting params.get("...") either works if that parameter passed or returns null if not.

If I run from command line and pass no parameters at all, or try running script in Screen Scraper workbench by clicking the run button I get > : temp = params .get ( "OldestDate" ) BSF info: null at line: 0 column: columnNo

I searched the FAQ and support forum but could not this issue addressed
Thanks for any help

optional --params


This is a legitimate bug in screen-scraper, so thanks for spotting it. We'll add it to our "to be fixed" list. In the meantime, try this as a workaround:

if( params!=void )
temp = params.get( "OldestDate" );

Also, it's our policy to give a discount on the Professional Edition of screen-scraper to anyone that finds a bug. If this is of interest, feel free to email me directly. My address is my first name at screen-scraper.com.


Todd Wilson