login to flickr


i want to login to flickr in order to scrape some pictures, but it always fails to do so.


Anybody did this before?

So i had the idea it would be good to be able to login manually and then continue.

So when its time to login i want screen scraper to open a browser - i login manually - then screen scraper should continue with me logged in.

Is that possible?



I don't have a way for

I don't have a way for screen-scraper to interact with a browser. What you'd need to do is make a script that has the credentials, or a script that reads in a file that has the credentials. See tutorial #2 for some instructions.

tutorial #2 is not helpful

what do you mean with writing a script that has the credentials?

in tutorial #2 login works with the parameters tab, where you insert the crendentials to post.

But this does not do it at flickr.

so what can you do?

I did a quick proxy, and used

I did a quick proxy, and used the Yahoo login. The credentials are on a page https://login.yahoo.com/config/login_verify2 in the POST parameters.

thanks i did the same, but

thanks i did the same, but after that you are not logged in at least i am not.

are you?

plese try


and see if you get it or if you are refered to the login again

nebben, After proxying the


After proxying the site I notice a number of potential transactions that you'll likely need to turn into scrapeable files. These are the base URLs (minus any post parameters) of those I think you'll want to account for.

  1. (start)
  2. (302 automatic redirect)
  3. (this is where it redirects to)
  4. (this is where you submit your credentials)
  5. (this page is loaded per some Javascript, I believe)
  6. (302 this is where it redirects to and this also redirects again)
    http://www.flickr.com/signin/yahoo/?redir=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.flickr.com%2F&.data=<long string here>&.ys=Jwn3dgSzsZrBWXqZiFxcVl.Jmf4-
  7. (302 this is where it redirects to and this redirects once again)
  8. (now you're in)

Of the above, you may only need to handle passing the correct data in either the POST or GET for the non-302 items. screen-scraper handles all 302's automatically (including the data sent in the POST or GET because that data is generated on the server and not on the client).

#5 could be the one that you need to pay the closest attention to.

Hope this helps,