MaxConcurrentScrapingSessions and Server.NumTimesRun properties


In the screenscraper properties file there are two properties I am not sure what they mean

MaxConcurrentScrapingSessions - does this control how many simultaneous requests screen scraper will handle. So if I have this set to 5, and 20 requests come to screen scraper at the same time. Will 5 of those requests get immediately handled and the other 15 get queued up?

Server.NumTimesRun - no idea what this is but the example properties file on the at the screen scraper site has a value of 2186, and our value is 8. Curious what is controls.


You're assessment of the

You're assessment of the MaxConcurrentScrapingSessions is bang on. In Pro, you can only do 5 no matter what is set there, but the others will queue. In enterprise you can do as many as your hardware can handle.

The NumTimesRun is actually not a setting as much as a log of how many times you've started screen-scraper in server mode. It's there for troubleshooting purposes.