Strip HTML missing when java script involved...

I have a piece that is scraped to be :

<font color="#000000"><SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> var scolor='#fc050b'; var shimmercount=shimmercount+3; eval('var shimmercolor' +shimmercount+ '="' +scolor+ '"');  document.write("<span id='" + shimmercount + "animate'><b>"); </SCRIPT>Brian2112</b></span></font>

I am expecting to see only :


but I end up with :

var scolor='#fc050b'; var shimmercount=shimmercount+3; eval('var shimmercolor' +shimmercount+ '="' +scolor+ '"');  document.write(""); Brian2112

So essentially the strip HTML regular expression does not take the above scenario into account.

I test and it is ok

I scrape your link using


then return to me Brian2112

I use this regular expression


That's a good suggestion,

That's a good suggestion, angeloalves.

Dean, the "Strip HTML" option will find and remove anything between the opening and closing HTML tags (<>), however, in your case I would recommend not using that feature. Instead, do as angeloalves suggests and simply place a token over "Brian2112" and set the regular expression to "non HTML tags". When your extractor pattern text is applied it will match correctly.

<font color="#000000"><SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> var scolor='#fc050b'; var shimmercount=shimmercount+3; eval('var shimmercolor' +shimmercount+ '="' +scolor+ '"');  document.write("<span id='" + shimmercount + "animate'><b>"); </SCRIPT>~@NAME@~</b></span></font>
