Using proxy server pool

I recently updated the Screen-Scraper from version 4.5 to 5.5; the problem is that now one of the sessions no longer works properly.

The sessions uses Anonymization via Manual Proxy Pools (I used the same model as here: but in the latest version of Screen-Scraper the application remains blocked.

The logs are:

Starting scraper.
Running scraping session: xxx
Processing scripts before scraping session begins.
Processing script: "Use Proxies"
Filtering the proxy server pool.
Number of proxies to test: 24
Connection timeout is: 30
Validating proxy: 1 of 24
Validating proxy: 2 of 24
This proxy server will be kept:
This proxy server will be kept:
Finished filtering proxy servers. We now have the following number of good proxy servers: 23
The pool currently consists of the following proxy servers (23 total):
Using the following OS default encoding: UTF-8
Using the following SS defaultCharacterSet: UTF-8
Scraping file: "Search"
Search: Resolved URL: http://...
Search: POST data:...
Getting the next proxy server.
Waiting till proxy servers become available...
Populating from the server.
Waiting till proxy servers become available...
Populating from the server.
Waiting till proxy servers become available...
Populating from the server.
Waiting till proxy servers become available...
Populating from the server.
Processing scripts after scraping session has ended.

I want to specify that in version 4.5 the same session works properly.

Ionut, This issue has been


This issue has been fixed in an update post-5.5. To resolve this issue please update to the latest alpha release.


Thanks Scott! I updated the

Thanks Scott!

I updated the Screen-Scraper to 5.5.16a version and now the Anonymization via Manual Proxy Pools works properly.
