beginner questions: searching forum, renaming sessions

1. Is there a search function for this forum?
2. Following Tutorial 1 on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, I initially was able to save Proxy Server as 'HelloWorld'. After a few minutes I was not able to rename the New Scraping Session and also, not able to rename the HelloWorld Proxy Server.

There is a search on the top

There is a search on the top left. I don't really like the Drupal search though, so I put in the search there and when results come up go to the Google tab.

I'm not sure what would keep you from renaming a proxy session. Was it stopped at the time? Did you restart screen-scraper? Which edition and version are you running? What is the behavior when you try to rename?

Thank you Jason. I'm running

Thank you Jason.
I'm running Linux version 5.0 EE trial.
I could not rename Session in the left column earlier today: I right clicked 'Rename' on the item, flashing bar at the end of the name indicated I should be able to make changes but I could not enter anything. I also could not make any changes to the scripts. It might have been a general issue accepting input from the keyboard. Wonder what might cause this.
Restarting the server resolved this problem.
Thank you again.