I got a "Stack" error, won't work now.

I wish I had saved it, but the error stated something like ...has run into the maximum number (50) of (something) for the stack... halting

I have tried rebooting to no avail. My session ran for about 3 hours, and gathered 104 search results pages (out of 400) before it quit.

I dread having to write the project again from scratch, but that's what I'm gonna try next if I can't find any ideas on this forum. :-/


Is it still interesting?

Dave, did you have any joy finding a fix for this issue?

You get that error because

You get that error because you have a recursive script, and you're most likely doomed to have an error anyway. Here are some details on that:


So I don't know what you fear losing. If it's the scrape routine, it does back up on key events, so you may be okay. If it's the data you've extracted I'd need to know more about how it's being stored.


Interesting because, that's what you use in your tutorial 2, a recursive script. The example merchant site only has 2 results pages, so that doesn't come close to stacking the scripts.

I'll read that blog post and see if I can figure it out.

However, answer me this, wouldn't the "stack" reset if I reinitialize with a higher "next page" number? I did it twice, I stopped the script at around 50 pages, and reinit with PAGE = 51. Then I stopped it at around 100, and reinit with PAGE = 101. This didn't solve my stack problem, it just didn't work again.

The tutorial is a recursive

The tutorial is a recursive script, and if you're recursing fewer than say 10 times, it's fine. In the event of a larger set of data, however, that method gets to be too simple.

I imagine that you reset your page number, but you still have some scripts in the stack. I can't tell you how to fix it, however, without seeing the scrape.