7: Extract Product Details


At this point we're able to scrape the details pages for each of the products. We're now ready to extract the information we're really interested in: data about each DVD. To do this we're going to use sub-extractor patterns. Again, this is a point in the tutorial where you may want to slow down a bit. Sub-extractor patterns is another important concept that can be a bit confusing at first.

Sub-Extractor Pattern Explanation

Sub-extractor patterns allow us to define a small region within a larger HTML page from which we'll extract individual snippets of information. This helps to eliminate most of the HTML text we're not interested in, allowing us to be more precise about the data we'd like to extract. It also makes our extractor patterns more resilient to future changes in the HTML page, as they allow us to reduce the amount of HTML we need to include.

If you let the scraping session run through to completion the last URL in the scraping session log will be the one listed here:


If that's not the exact one you have, don't worry; it won't make a difference for our extractor patterns.

We'll need to examine the HTML for a details page in order to generate the extractor patterns. Do this by clicking on the Details page scrapeable file in the objects tree, then on the Last Response tab. You'll remember that screen-scraper records the HTML for the last time each page was requested.

To visualize what we will be doing, bring up the URL above in your web browser. Notice the DVD title, price, model, shipping weight, and manufacturer; these are the pieces of information that we are interested in gathering.

It should be apparent in examining the page that most of the elements on it aren't of interest to us. For example, we don't care about the header, footer, or any of the boxes along the sides of the page.

Creating the DATARECORD Extractor Pattern

We'll first use our extractor pattern to define a region that basically surrounds the elements we're interested in.

Scroll down until you see a few lines of HTML code where the DVD title is surround by h1 tags.

<td colspan="2" class="pageHeading" valign="top">
<h1>You've Got Mail</h1>

Highlight the block of HTML from the opening <tr> tag down to the word Quantity.

<td align="center" class="cartBox">&nbsp;Quantity

Your selection should look something like this.

<td colspan="2" class="pageHeading" valign="top">
<h1>You've Got Mail</h1>

<td align="center" valign="top" class="smallText" rowspan="2">
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
document.write('<a href="javascript:popupWindow(\'http://www.screen-scraper.com/shop/index.php?main_page=popup_image&amp;pID=7\')"><img src="images/dvd/youve_got_mail.gif" border="0" alt="You\'ve Got Mail" title=" You\'ve Got Mail " width="100" height="80" hspace="5" vspace="5" /><br />larger image<\/a>');


<noscript><a href="http://www.screen-scraper.com/shop/index.php?main_page=images/dvd/youve_got_mail.gif" target="_blank"><img src="images/dvd/youve_got_mail.gif" border="0" alt="You've Got Mail" title=" You've Got Mail " width="100" height="80" hspace="5" vspace="5" /><br />
larger image</a></noscript> </td>
<td class="main" align="center" valign="top">Model: DVD-YGEM</td>

<td class="main" align="center"></td>

<td align="center" class="pageHeading">$34.99</td>
<td class="main" align="center">Shipping Weight: 7.00 lbs.</td>

<td class="main" align="center">9 Units in Stock</td>

<td class="main" align="center">Manufactured by: Warner</td>
<td align="center">
<table border="0" width="150px" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
<td align="center" class="cartBox">&nbsp;Quantity

Now, right-click on the highlighted text and choose Generate extractor pattern from selected text. You'll be automatically taken to the Extractor Patterns tab.

In the Pattern Text field highlight from just after...


...to just before the word "Quantity".


Right-click on your selection and choose Generate extractor pattern token from selected text. In the window that opens type DATARECORD in the Identifier textbox and close the window by clicking on the X in the upper right-hand corner. Don't worry settings are saved when the window closes.

Notice that we simply replaced most of the middle portion of the large block of HTML with a DATARECORD token. If you look at the text before and after ~@DATARECORD@~ you can see that it is the same text that could be found at the beginning and end of the large HTML block.

The basic idea here is to include only as much HTML around the sub-region as necessary to uniquely identify it in the page. Any of the HTML covered by the DATARECORD token will be picked up by screen-scraper, and will define our sub-region that we'll be extracting the individual pieces of data from.

Now click the Test Pattern button. In the window that appears, copy the text from the DATARECORD column and paste it into your favorite text editor.

The easiest way to select all of the text in that box is to triple-click it, use the keyboard to copy the text (Ctrl-C in Windows and Linux), then paste it into your text editor. The text should look like this:

" valign="top"><h1>You've Got Mail</h1></td></tr><tr><td align="center" valign="top" class="smallText" rowspan="2"><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!--document.write('<a href="javascript:popupWindow(\'http://www.screen-scraper.com/shop/index.php?main_page=popup_image&amp;pID=7\')"><img src="images/dvd/youve_got_mail.gif" border="0" alt="You\'ve Got Mail" title=" You\'ve Got Mail " width="100" height="80" hspace="5" vspace="5" /><br />larger image<\/a>');//--></script> <noscript><a href="http://www.screen-scraper.com/shop/index.php?main_page=images/dvd/youve_got_mail.gif" target="_blank"><img src="images/dvd/youve_got_mail.gif" border="0" alt="You've Got Mail" title=" You've Got Mail " width="100" height="80" hspace="5" vspace="5" /><br />larger image</a></noscript> </td><td class="main" align="center" valign="top">Model: DVD-YGEM</td></tr><tr><td class="main" align="center"></td></tr><tr><td align="center" class="pageHeading">$34.99</td><td class="main" align="center">Shipping Weight: 7.00 lbs.</td></tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td class="main" align="center">9 Units in Stock</td></tr><tr><td class="main" align="center">Manufactured by: Warner</td><td align="center"><table border="0" width="150px" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2"><tr><td align="center" class="cartBox">&nbsp;

This is the HTML we're after, but it's all in one large block. This occurs because screen-scraper strips out unnecessary white space when extracting information in order to make the extraction process more efficient. This can make sifting through the HTML a little more difficult, but the search feature should make this relatively straightforward.

Adding Sub-Extractor Patterns

For creating the sub-extractor patterns, you are welcome to use the code snippit in your text editor or the HTML found directly in the Last Response tab (just be sure that you're only grabbing portions of the page that would be covered by the DATARECORD extractor token).

First off, we're interested in the DVD title. In your text editor do a search for the first word in the title of the DVD whose page you're viewing (e.g., if you're viewing the HTML for the last DVD in the search results you'll search for You've, since the movie is "You've Got Mail"). This should highlight the first word in the title. In order to extract this piece of information we'll use a small sub-extractor pattern:


Once again, we include only as much HTML around the piece of data that we're interested in as is necessary. If we do this just right we'll still be able to extract information even if the web site itself makes minor changes.

TITLE Sub-Extractor Pattern

To add a sub-extractor pattern, on our PRODUCTS extractor pattern, click the Sub-Extractor Patterns tab, then the Add Sub-Extractor Pattern button.

In the text box that appears paste the text for the sub-extractor pattern we've included above. Edit the TITLE extractor token by double-clicking it and, under the Regular Expression section, select Non-HTML tags from the drop-down list (as a side note, this is probably the most common regular expression you'll use). Click on the Test Pattern to try it out. You should see a DataSet with a single row and columns for the DATARECORD and TITLE tokens.

DataSet for Title Sub-Extractor Pattern

You might have a different TITLE if you stopped your scraping session at different point of time. This doesn't mean you are doing wrong. Just make sure that a title does show up. If not then you have an error in one of your extractor patterns.

Other Sub-Extractor Patterns

Create the following sub-extractor patterns for the remaining data elements we want to extract (note that each box should be a separate sub-extractor pattern):


>Model: ~@MODEL@~<

>Shipping Weight: ~@SHIPPING_WEIGHT@~<

>Manufactured by: ~@MANUFACTURED_BY@~<

For each token in the sub-extractor patterns give it the Non-HTML tags regular expression, same as you did with the TITLE extractor token.

As sub-extractor patterns match data, they aggregate the pieces into a single data record. That means that for each extractor token only one value can exist.

A sub-extractor pattern cannot match multiple times. It will take only its first match and all other potential matches will be discarded.

When our PRODUCTS extractor pattern is applied along with its sub-extractor patterns, a single data record is created. This can be seen by clicking on the Test Pattern button:

Final DataSet for PRODUCTS extractor pattern

Test Run

If you'd like, at this point try running the scraping session again by clearing the log and hitting the Run Scraping Session button. If you examine the log while the session runs you'll see that it extracts out details for each of the DVDs.