How do I correct the error message, "Sorry, your registration is invalid" when I try to register screen-scraper?
There are a couple of possibilities:
- The email address you're using is incorrect. Please be sure to use the same email address you used when you purchased screen-scraper. The email address will be case-sensitive.
- Your computer connects to the Internet through an HTTP proxy or corporate firewall. If you are required to use proxy settings in your web browser in order to reach the Internet, screen-scraper will need those same settings. This can be configured in screen-scraper's "Settings" dialog (click the wrench icon in the button bar), under the "External Proxy" section.
If those suggestions don't help, feel free to send us a support request so that we can assist you further. When you do that we may ask you to send us your screen-scraper database so that we can complete the registration for you. The screen-scraper database consists of the four files that begin with "ss" found in screen-scraper's "resource\db" folder. You'll want to make sure screen-scraper is not running, then zip them up and send them to us. Note that any changes you make between the time you send us your database and we send it back will be lost, so you'll want to export any changed scraping sessions during that time.