Weirdest problem using extracted data

Dear All:

I've successfully extracted data from a URL, but now I am trying to pass it as a parameter to another URL, but instead of the value I am getting: com.screenscraper.common.DataSet@1031b7c (1031b7c is different every time, I suspect it's a memory location.

What am I doing wrong. Below is the log, I just used Google as the next URL for simplicity.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

File from Car: Extracting data for pattern "TRANSACT_EXTRACT"
File from Car: Saving data set "TRANSACT_EXTRACT" into a session variable.
File from Car: Saving the data set for the first time.
File from Car: The following data elements were found:
Scraping file: "Google"
Google: Preliminary URL:
Google: Using strict mode.
Google: Resolved URL:
Google: Sending request.
Processing scripts after scraping session has ended.
Scraping session "Car" finished.

Stupid, I did not "save as

Stupid, I did not "save as session variable" that's why!

Never mind.