Multiple network cards?

Suppose that we have a computer with multiple network interfaces, each of them having a public ip address.
Is it possible to tell screen-scraper which network card to use for a specific scraping session?
For example I want to scrape using eth0, www.secondsite using eth1 ..

Maybe can be used to tell screen-scraper to use a specific network interface.
Any suggestion are welcome.
Thank you

Well, although it's

Well, although it's conceptually easy to understand, it's a little more tricky in implementation. The reason being that packet routing doesn't take place at the screen-scraper level. It would be more of an operating system issue. I'm make a little assumption that you're using a Unix-based system, based on those "eth0" and "eth1" abbreviations.

One of the guys here in our office was trying to do something similar on his own time and on his own machine, and found these two resources helpful:

The first article applies to having either a router/computer with multiple networks. Your question deals more with the mechanics of routing screen-scraper through an interface at will, and not in setting up multiple networks, I realize that. Screen-scraper itself has no built-in methods to achieve this effect, but if you had a unique gateway for each network card, you could attempt to forward the traffic into one interface or the other.

Not sure if that was helpful/useful information at all. Let me know if this raises any more questions on the subject.
