How to change character set when calling server from .Net?


Just downloaded a trial, and everything seems awesome. I have set up a screen scrape to a site containing the Danish characters "æ", "ø", "å". When I run the scraping session from the interface, the scraped data are returned correctly, however when I run the session from a .Net application calling the scrape server "æ", "ø", "å" are returned as "?". What character set is used when calling the scrape server, and how to change it?

I figured it out myself using this:

Dim Tbl As Screenscraper.DataSet = CType(Scraper.GetVariable("ProductDetails"), Screenscraper.DataSet)

Dim enc As System.Text.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8

Dim ProductNameByteArray() As Byte = enc.GetBytes(Tbl.Item(j, "ProductName"))

Dim ProductNamebytesConverted() As Byte = System.Text.Encoding.Convert System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, ProductNameByteArray)

Dim ProductName As String = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ProductNamebytesConverted).Trim

Yeah, I was going to take a

Yeah, I was going to take a stab and say that the encoding problem was probably on the .NET end. That's good to make note of, though, that tubes could be clogged in a less-obvious spot, rather than at the head source (screen-scraper).

We have had issues with Asian characters before, :P It required a little tweak of the character encoding in screen-scraper, but it was obvious that screen-scraper was the one dropping the ball in that senario.

I'll probably make an FAQ post for the sake of reminding users that character encoding issues could be happening anywhere, not just on screen-scraper's end.