Another Instance of SS is already running?

Hi, just installed ver 4 of ss on a Ubuntu 8.04 machine.

After finally setting the permissions for the conf and db files, I now get an error saying "Another instance of screen-scraper is already running. The application will now exit."

It was installed using sudo. (sudo $file ./

I set permissions to the conf and db files using sudo as well. (sudo chmod a+w )

Now, all I get is the error saying it's already running. How can that be? I've even tried rebooting and it still doesn't make a difference.

Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.

On another note, I cannot find a way to install previous versions. Can anyone help me there? I'm trying to install version 3 of the SS from the older versions page of SS. Filename is setup_ss_basic.bin.

I still use version 2 as well, but I'm not sure how to get that one to download of Ubuntu.

Thanks, Joey


Ok, the install of ver 4 no longer says that there's another instance of SS running.

Now, it says that the databases are corrupt and it won't run.

I've done nothing to the files other than change the permissions as outlined above.

Can someone help me get this running?

Thanks, Joey

Joey, Sorry for the trouble


Sorry for the trouble you're having and the delay in getting back with you. Going from where you are now, in order to overcome the corrupt database error you're going to need to provide write access to the db folder. screen-scraper is unable to write to the database and throws that error.

I'm only a recreational Linux user so take this advice as such. Try a chmod 777 on the entire screen-scraper folder.