Scraping the javascript link

Hi Talents,

I am new to screen scraping. And i have gone through the tutorials. and i found it is very useful.

I need to get product details from [url][/url]

While trying this i was struck when i saw the product link in javascript.

while having close look at the tidied product url they are using as,


Then, when creating the [b]extracter pattern[/b], I have replaced it as,



but i cant get [b]dataset[/b].

How can i get data from futurebazaar.

How can i get going now.

Did i made any mistake there.

Help me.


Thank you Scott

Thank you Scott,

I saw your example. It gives me lot of confidence..

Then i tried and found where i made a mistake..

Thank you for your Support..

Scraping the javascript link


I set up a little test session with what I had suggested and it works for me. Please download the session here and load it in screen-scraper to compare with what you have.

You'll need to drop the test.html file right off your c: drive as you'll see in the session.

Hope this helps.


Need Further Assistance

Thank you Scott.

Thank you for your support. :)

But i missed to add that in my original posting.
I have tried with single quotes too. And i have Edited the token too. But i din't change the regex for single quotes. Thanks for your information.

But [b]after changing the regular expressions too. i cant get the dataset [/b]:(

Please, Guide me further

Scraping the javascript link


It's very important to use regular expressions when you can. Here's how I would modify your extractor pattern.

<td valign="middle" width="40%" wrap="wrap"><a class="anc2" href="javascript&#58;seeSingleItem&#40;'~@productkey@~'&#41;">~@producttitle@~</a> <br />

Note how productkey includes the single quotes around it. Now, for the regular expressions.


(do not match single quotes zero or more times or match anything between single quotes)


(do not match opening and closing tags or match anything between an opening and closing HTML tag)

Give this a try and let us know how it goes.
