Importing 'Get' parameters from a list

Greetings! I am currently evaluating SS to make sure it meets our needs before purchasing. We need to satisfy 3 requirements with our scraping software. So far, I've completed one of the three and I'm working on the second.

Its a very simple concept, we want to use SS to evaluate new keywords for our paid search program. To do this we need to search our site and return the number of products matched and the categories of those products. This information is readily available on the search results page, but I'm running into trouble with forming the searches.

If I have a list of 100 terms I'd like to evaluate, how can I instruct SS to search for a term, scrape the results page, then initiate a search for the next term on the list?

Thanks in advance, and I'd like to add that I'm very impressed with your software so far.

(Unfortunately, the 3rd requirement looks much more difficult --> scraping a flash site.)

Importing 'Get' parameters from a list

Never mind - I found what i need in Tutorial 2.