proxy problem

I'm new to SS but can't even got off the ground.
I get absolutely nothing recorded in the progress or response panes when I browse web sites
I have tried IE and Firefox set up for localhost 8777. I have a direct connection to the internet. I have also tried with 8777.

Any idea what could be wrong

proxy problem

iain401 & geekster,

It should not be necessary to set a port-forwarding entry on your router for screen-scraper's proxy. I recommend that you try using both "" and local IP address (type "ipconfig /all" from within a cmd window) in place of "localhost" from within your proxy settings.

Please double-check your settings with our documentation here.

When you reveal your computer's IP configuration by typing "ipconfig /all" in a cmd do you see any entry with the words "Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface"?


I am having the same issues

I can't get anything out of the basic edition. I am running XP with MS IE. I have a firewalled router but I have port forwarding for port 8777 to the IP on my PC but that did not do anything either. I am very interested in your product but it does not help much if I can't get past the initial logging feature.

proxy problem


What operating system are you using? Have you tried your local ip address (type ipconfig into a cmd prompt). Just to rule out the port, try changing the port from 8777 to 9888 and try again.
