about call another scraping session

hi )

i want to call scraping session "b","c",etc, from scraping session "a" 's java script, and i want the logs will be in file b.log, c.log, under disck C

i tried to add these into scraping session a's script

scarping0= new com.screenscraper.scraper.RunnableScrapingSession( "b" );

scarping1= new com.screenscraper.scraper.RunnableScrapingSession( "c" );

scarping2= new com.screenscraper.scraper.RunnableScrapingSession( "d" );

after running a, i found nothing happenned to b,c,and d...seems failed to call them...

can you help me ?

did i use the API
myScrapingSession = new com.screenscraper.scraper.RunnableScrapingSession( "My Session" );
in right way?

about call another scraping session


At the moment we do not have it designed such that it will write to individual log files for each of the scraping sessions. Your code works it's just that you can't see it working since it's not logging for the dispatched scraping sessions.

In the next week or so we'll include that functionality in version 4.0.5a. Be sure to check your "Allow for upgrading to unstable versions" box in the settings window so you'll get the update.

In the mean time you'll want to include the second parameter, inheritedScrapingSession, when calling RunnableScrapingSession. This logs all scraping sessions in the same log so you can at least see what's going on.


I hope this helps.


about call another scraping session

thanks your reply :D

but in my case, i think the old way is the right one i want, that means call session b from session a's java script, can you help me how to get this? did i use the right function?

about call another scraping session


This approach is kind of the old way of doing things. I'd recommend that you use the Web interface instead. If your only purpose is to dispatch the additional sessions from a single controller you'll have that ability; along with, the ability to schedule them independently and by default you'll get a separate log file for each.


You can also pass in session variables for each before they run.

It's purty neat.
