Mac command line usage...?


I've set up my scraping session such that it works great from inside the workbench.

So, from a Unix shell, I cd into that directory, and type:
java -jar screen-scraper.jar -s "SessionName"

But it tells me:
The script "SessionName" was not found. Please check the name and try again.

I tried many variations on that command line (including specifying a script instead of a session; leaving the "-s" flag off), but nothing did what it was supposed to. What am I doing wrong?

Mac command line usage...?

Nevermind on that, Scott... it seems that
/usr/bin/java -jar screen-scraper.jar -s "Scraping_Session_Name" just fine with your current release.

Thanks for all your help!

-- Eric

Mac command line usage...?

Okay, Scott...

I just downloaded the latest version, and I still don't see any "jre" directory. Does this mean that there's no way to run it from the command line on a Mac?

-- Eric

Mac command line usage...?


It depends on how recently you downloaded it but we had a hiccup with the very first posting of the Mac installer. Would you mind downloading it again and trying a fresh install?


Mac command line usage...?

Hey, Scott...

I just downloaded and installed the program in the past couple of days, so it is a very recent version.

And I would have used jre/bin/java, but there wasn't any such directory in my installation. Are you sure that's included in the current Mac version?



Mac command line usage...?


I'm sorry, I sent you to the wrong place. You're right, that is the command for launching the workbench only.

In your command have you tried to include the path to the the JRE that installs with screen-scraper?

jre\bin\java -jar screen-scraper.jar -s "SessionName"

screen-scraper may attempt to use another installation of Java if the path is not specified.

Also, what version of screen-scraper are you using?


Mac command line usage...?

Thanks, Scott...

But it says "This shell script works only in launching the screen-scraper workbench", which I can do more easily by just double-clicking the program's icon. What I'm looking for is a way to automate a screen-scraping session (which is what screen scraping is all about, right?).

Has anyone successfully automated a screen-scrape on a Mac? And if so, what exact command line syntax works?

Mac command line usage...?


Have a look at this FAQ. The command criteria is a little different than you have it.
