Where are proxy & scrapting session data stored on compu

I had to migrate to a new computer and thought that I backed up everything. After installing screen-scraper and starting it, none of my proxy and scraping sessions are now in the new version even after I COPIED the entire program folder from "program files".

Where do I find that old data so I can bring back my hours and hours of work setting up these sessions?


Where are proxy & scrapting session data stored on compu


Instead of copying over the entire db folder we recommend that you attempt to retrieve your data from one of the back ups that screen-scraper made. Take a look at the following link for instructions on how to restore your db using a back up copy.



Where are proxy & scrapting session data stored on compu


Your suggestion worked.

So how will I get my old data back. Do I copy the old "db" folder into my:

C:\Program Files\screen-scraper professional edition\resource\db\


Where are proxy & scrapting session data stored on compu


Before you launch screen-scraper go into your task manager (hold down ctrl, shift, & esc all at once) under the processes tab and make sure there are no java.exe or javaw.exe processes running.

If there are any running, go "End Process" for each and try again. The error you're reporting is not usually found on a Windowz machine, so this latest suggestion is kind of a best-guess for now.


Where are proxy & scrapting session data stored on compu

What operating system are you using?

Where are proxy & scrapting session data stored on compu

I copied my data files from the resource/db folder into the newly installed screenscraper, overwriting the files and it said the file was corrupt.

So I uninstalled, deleted the entire folder and then reinstalled, but now I get this error:

Application has unexpectedly quit. Invocation of this java application has caused an invocationTargetException. This application will now exit.

at com.screenscraper.view.ViewTree.loadScrapingSessions(ViewTree.java:471)
at com.screenscraper.view.ViewTree.handleAppEvent(ViewTree.java:1013)
at com.screenscraper.controller.ControllerMainFrame.handleAppEvent(ControllerMainFrame.java:315)
at com.screenscraper.controller.ControllerMainFrame.init(ControllerMainFrame.java:77)
at com.screenscraper.controller.ControllerMain.init(ControllerMain.java:78)
at com.screenscraper.controller.ControllerMain.(ControllerMain.java:56)
at com.screenscraper.controller.ControllerMain.launchWorkbench(ControllerMain.java:578)
at com.screenscraper.controller.ControllerMain.main(ControllerMain.java:551)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at com.zerog.lax.LAX.launch(DashoA8113)
at com.zerog.lax.LAX.main(DashoA8113)

Where are proxy & scrapting session data stored on compu


That would be a problem. We recommend that instead of transferring the entire directory that you, instead, export your scraping sessions one-by-one and then import them into your new installation. However, this is not possible with your proxy data.

So, yes, if you're going to transfer your entire installation directory then do so to it's own directory (not an existing installation directory). Then, run the workbench and choose check for updates under the options menu.

This generally is the approach you can take; however, because you're about to upgrade from a version 3.x or less to 4.0 you have no other option but to export your sessions and import them in to 3.0 as this is the only way to upgrade to 4.0. You'll loose your proxy data but I hope it's not a show-stopper for you.


Please let me know what additional questions you have.


Where are proxy & scrapting session data stored on compu

I did use the installer to reinstall screenscraper on my new computer. Is that what I did wrong?

Should I uninstall and then just copy the entire folder from backup?

Where are proxy & scrapting session data stored on compu


Both proxy session data and scraping session data are stored in a database file in the following location.

For example:

C:\Program Files\screen-scraper professional edition\resource\db\

It should have worked by copying the entire installation directory from one machine to another. The last response/request data is not retained, however. There are no other files that store proxy or session data elsewhere on the file system.

Was it the case that when you opened the screen-scraper workbench on the new machine that it did not contain any proxy or scraping sessions from before? And, instead, it looked like a fresh installation?

I'm assuming you did not use an installer on the new machine.
