Last pattern created twice

Hi :) ,

I have a very basic question. I am trying out this product by building a little spider for our company site. Goal of the test is to store the title and meta tag off several pages in a text file. All works fine except the latest webpage is stored twice in the text file. I have no clue why :? . Some advice would be helpful :wink: .

Your sincerely,
Nebu 8)

--LOG FILE ---

Starting scraper.
Running scraping session: xxxx
Processing scripts before scraping session begins.
Scraping file: "Main site"
Main site: Preliminary URL:
Main site: Resolved URL:
Main site: Sending request.
Main site: Processing scripts before all pattern applications.
Main site: Extracting data for pattern "null"
Main site: The following data elements were found:
null--DataRecord 0:
Storing this value in a session variable.
Main site: Processing scripts after a pattern application.
Processing script: "xxxx--Scrape Content"
###############RECORDING DATA##################
Scraping file: "Content"
Content: Preliminary URL:
Content: Resolved URL:
Content: Sending request.
Content: Processing scripts before all pattern applications.
Content: Extracting data for pattern "null"
Content: The following data elements were found:
null--DataRecord 0:
KEYWORDS=Uitgeverij,Relatiebeheer,Database publishing
DESCRIPTION=xxxx is een uitgeverij (via database publishing) die klanten ondersteunt bij relatiebeheer.
TITLE=Uitgeverij, Websites & Database publishing
Content: Processing scripts after a pattern application.
Processing script: "xxxx--Write data to a file"
###############WRITING DATA##################
###############END WRITING DATA##################
Content: Processing scripts after all pattern applications.
null--DataRecord 1:
Storing this value in a session variable.
Main site: Processing scripts after a pattern application.
Processing script: "xxxx--Scrape Content"
###############RECORDING DATA##################
Scraping file: "Content"
Content: Preliminary URL:
Content: Resolved URL:
Content: Sending request.
Content: Processing scripts before all pattern applications.
Content: Extracting data for pattern "null"
Content: The following data elements were found:
null--DataRecord 0:
KEYWORDS=database publishing,opmaak,template,database,publishing,publiceren,gegevens,website,dbp,document,opmaakprogramma
DESCRIPTION=Database publishing is vanuit een database publicaties maken die automatisch worden opgemaakt.
TITLE=Database publishing, door xxxx

Content: Processing scripts after a pattern application.
Processing script: "xxxx--Write data to a file"
###############WRITING DATA##################
###############END WRITING DATA##################
Content: Processing scripts after all pattern applications.
null--DataRecord 2:
Storing this value in a session variable.
Main site: Processing scripts after a pattern application.
Processing script: "xxxx--Scrape Content"
###############RECORDING DATA##################
Scraping file: "Content"
Content: Preliminary URL:
Content: Resolved URL:
Content: Sending request.
Content: Processing scripts before all pattern applications.
Content: Extracting data for pattern "null"
Content: The following data elements were found:
null--DataRecord 0:
DESCRIPTION=Adresbeheer verzorgt door xxxx

Content: Processing scripts after a pattern application.
Processing script: "xxxx--Write data to a file"
###############WRITING DATA##################
###############END WRITING DATA##################
Content: Processing scripts after all pattern applications.
null--DataRecord 3:
Storing this value in a session variable.
Main site: Processing scripts after a pattern application.
Processing script: "xxxx--Scrape Content"
###############RECORDING DATA##################
Scraping file: "Content"
Content: Preliminary URL:
Content: Resolved URL:
Content: Sending request.
Content: Processing scripts before all pattern applications.
Content: Extracting data for pattern "null"
Content: The following data elements were found:
null--DataRecord 0:
DESCRIPTION=Laat uw website bouwen door xxxx.
TITLE=Website bouwen

Content: Processing scripts after a pattern application.
Processing script: "xxxx--Write data to a file"
###############WRITING DATA##################
###############END WRITING DATA##################
Content: Processing scripts after all pattern applications.
null--DataRecord 4:
Storing this value in a session variable.
Main site: Processing scripts after a pattern application.
Processing script: "xxxx--Scrape Content"
###############RECORDING DATA##################
Scraping file: "Content"
Content: Preliminary URL:
Content: Resolved URL:
Content: Sending request.
Content: Processing scripts before all pattern applications.
Content: Extracting data for pattern "null"
Content: The following data elements were found:
null--DataRecord 0:
KEYWORDS=Website optimalisatie,zoekmachines,optimaliseren,marketing
DESCRIPTION=Zorg dat uw website gevonden wordt dmv zoekmachine optimalisatie website optimalisatie en marketing. xxxx bv voor zoekmachine optimalisatie website optimalisatie en marketing.
TITLE=Website optimalisatie - zoekmachine optimalisatie en marketing

Content: Processing scripts after a pattern application.
Processing script: "xxxx--Write data to a file"
###############WRITING DATA##################
###############END WRITING DATA##################
Content: Processing scripts after all pattern applications.
null--DataRecord 5:
Storing this value in a session variable.
Main site: Processing scripts after a pattern application.
Processing script: "xxxx--Scrape Content"
###############RECORDING DATA##################
Scraping file: "Content"
Content: Preliminary URL:
Content: Resolved URL:
Content: Sending request.
Content: Processing scripts before all pattern applications.
Content: Extracting data for pattern "null"
Content: The following data elements were found:
null--DataRecord 0:
DESCRIPTION=Gratis tool waarmee u uw website kunt checken
TITLE=Website check

Content: Processing scripts after a pattern application.
Processing script: "xxxx--Write data to a file"
###############WRITING DATA##################
###############END WRITING DATA##################
Content: Processing scripts after all pattern applications.
null--DataRecord 6:
Storing this value in a session variable.
Main site: Processing scripts after a pattern application.
Processing script: "xxxx--Scrape Content"
###############RECORDING DATA##################
Scraping file: "Content"
Content: Preliminary URL:
Content: Resolved URL:
Content: Sending request.
Content: Processing scripts before all pattern applications.
Content: Extracting data for pattern "null"
Content: The following data elements were found:
null--DataRecord 0:
DESCRIPTION=xxxx is een uitgeverij die klanten ondersteunt bij het publiceren van gegevens op Internet en op gedrukte media.
TITLE=Uitgeverij xxxx bv

Content: Processing scripts after a pattern application.
Processing script: "xxxx--Write data to a file"
###############WRITING DATA##################
###############END WRITING DATA##################
Content: Processing scripts after all pattern applications.
null--DataRecord 7:
Storing this value in a session variable.
Main site: Processing scripts after a pattern application.
Processing script: "xxxx--Scrape Content"
###############RECORDING DATA##################
Scraping file: "Content"
Content: Preliminary URL:
Content: Resolved URL:
Content: Sending request.
Content: Processing scripts before all pattern applications.
Content: Extracting data for pattern "null"
Content: The following data elements were found:
null--DataRecord 0:
KEYWORDS=xxxx, xxxx bv
DESCRIPTION=Neem contact op met xxxx bv
TITLE=xxxx bv | contact

Content: Processing scripts after a pattern application.
Processing script: "xxxx--Write data to a file"
###############WRITING DATA##################
###############END WRITING DATA##################
Content: Processing scripts after all pattern applications.
Main site: Processing scripts after all pattern applications.
Scraping file: "Content"
Content: Preliminary URL:
Content: Resolved URL:
Content: Sending request.
Content: Processing scripts before all pattern applications.
Content: Extracting data for pattern "null"
Content: The following data elements were found:
null--DataRecord 0:
KEYWORDS=xxxx, xxxx bv
DESCRIPTION=Neem contact op met xxxx bv
TITLE=xxxx bv | contact

Content: Processing scripts after a pattern application.
Processing script: "xxxx--Write data to a file"
###############WRITING DATA##################
###############END WRITING DATA##################
Content: Processing scripts after all pattern applications.
Processing scripts after scraping session has ended.
Scraping session finished.


Oops solved the problem myself. :lol: