Using MySQL

I am trying to insert the datarecords to a mysql database. However from within the script iam not able to load the mysql driver. I have placed the mysql connector jar file in the lib/ext directory.
The exception just says com.mysql.driver and nothing else.

How should i do this? I am not calling the scraping session from an external java program though!


Using MySQL


Assuming you have the jar file in the lib/ext directory you should be able to access the classes in it. Unfortunately, the error message in this case obviously isn't too helpful. What I would recommend is coding up your script in standard Java code, then compiling it with the driver in your classpath. If that works you should just be able to copy and paste your code right into screen-scraper and it should run there as well. If that fails, could you post the portion of your log where it's producing the error?


Todd Wilson