Utilizing addPOSTHTTPParameter
I've added a script to run before a scrapeable, "Next", file is run called "Add Parameters".
In "Add Parameters" I've added the following line:
void scrapeableFile.addPOSTHTTPParameter("mortgage_products", "1006");
When I run the scraping session I get the following error:
Scraping file: "Next"
Next: Processing scripts before a file is scraped.
Processing script: "Freddie--Add Parameters"
ERROR--Freddie: An error occurred while processing the script: Freddie--Add Parameters
Freddie: The error message was: class bsh.ParseException (line 2): scrapeableFile .-- Encountered "scrapeableFile ." at line 2, column 14.
What am I doing wrong?
You don't need "void".
You don't need "void".