Error: Javascript not enabled

I'm trying to scrape the following site (german) for capturing company names in the search results:

This page displays correctly when viewed in a browser (IE 6.0 with Internet security settings set to 'Low' AND active script enabled).

Yet, when I try to scrape this page using Screen Scraper (Version 2.6 Professional) I am redirected to a web page which says "JavaScript is disabled on your browser. Please enable JavaScript to view recent chart and stock informations". In fact, I am not completely sure that javascript is the culprit. Any ideas/suggestions?
I work from office where there is a business requirement that I use only IE. So I cannot even install Firefox to test it.

Error: Javascript not enabled


It looks as though the data is in a frame, and that if you simply request the frame directly it works. I created a scraping session with a single scrapeable file containing this URL


The data appeared to come through correctly.

Kind regards,

Todd Wilson