Tortoise SVN for mutiple scraping sessions

I have a fairly large number of scraping sessions now (over 200) and would like to start using some sort of versioning control on each scraping session if possible. Preferably Tortoise SVN for single user. Local with no server is fine. I read over and would like to know if you guys create a single repository to hold all the sessions or each scraping session have its own repository? Also how did you guys structure the the folder hierarchy? So far I have created one repository c:/svn_repository and the folder structure is as follow:



If I take this approach the versioning number would be for the whole repository and not for each individual project, which is not what I want.
Creating a repository for each scraping session would accomplish my goals, but this seems like an overkill of creating 200+ repositories?

Is there a more efficient and better way of doing this? I'm fairly new to SVN.


I will generally have 1

I will generally have 1 repository per project. I keep documentation/notes in the root, and then make a sub-directory named 'update', and there in there is sub-directories

Not required. Just contains any readme files, etc that I want deployed.
General location of any config or input files for the scrapes
Location of any exported scrapes/scripts
Not required. Location of any libraries I might need

The advantage to this structure is that I can zip the contents of "update" into a single file. In your screen-scraper installation there is a directory named "update", and if you put the in there, the next time you start the instance, it will unzip, and move the files in to the appropriate places, and you're all deployed in a single step.