navigating a multipage forum

I am attempting to scrape a forum ( that has multiple pages in some subforums - but no obvious cues that there are additional pages. In other words no "next" or "previous" patterns to use as cues to augment the page counter in the URL.

The best way to augment he page counter that I have come up with is the following:

Since each page in the subforum contains links to the next few pages and links to the last pages in the form of page numbers (i.e.
Forum Page Listing : First 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 ), I will scrape the last page number in this list.

Then I will use code to compare the current page number in the URL to the last page number in the "Forum Page Listing" in the example above. If the current page number in the URL is less than the last page number I will augment the current page number.

Is there a better/more elegant way to accomplish this?

Often there's not a better

Often there's not a better way. Sometimes it's best to just get the largest number and build an iterator for all the pages as it's much more efficient than recursion.