screen scraper is unable to connect to its internal database


I have a desktop computer and a laptop. Both run with windows 7 and have the same antivirusprogram.

On my desktop computer running screen scraper is no problem.

But when I want to start screen scraper on the laptop it does not work.

I want to start the program on the laptop for the first time.

When I hit the icon to load the program nothing happens for about 15 Seconds. Then I get an error message from screen scraper.

"Sorry, screen scraper is unable to connect to its internal database. Would you like to view instructions..."

The instructions say that either Firewall or Antivirus cause the error or that the database is corrupt.

I disabled the firewall, but this did not help. As I start the program for the first time I dont think that my database is corrupt.

I have all the default ports of screen scraper.

How can I solve this, so that I also can use screen scraper on the laptop, please?

I tried netstat -b and netstat -ano with cmd.exe. But I cant see any program using the ports of screenscraper.


Ben, Have you tried


Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling? When you run it for the first time be sure your anti-virus and firewall are disabled.

You can also start the command prompt as administrator then run netstat -b after starting screen-scraper. Look for the java.exe and screen-scraper.exe processes and what ports they're accessing.

Hope this helps,