Problem with ISO8859-15

when I try to read a page that uses ISO8859-15 (Latin 9) with
session.setCharacterSet( "ISO-8859-15" ) and tidying OFF, I get a question mark where the character

should appear. This is BEFORE sutil.convertHTMLEntities is applied.

Java itself (tested in Ecplipse) handles the character correctly.

best regards

Christian Pieler

The fact that ECLIPSE handles

The fact that ECLIPSE handles the charactes as expected makes me think, that an appropriate font must be available. Java should be Java. Or am I mistaken?
best regards
Christian Pieler

If you go to screen-scraper >

If you go to screen-scraper > options > settings, you'll see a pulldown there for 'default font'. The list is populated by your system's fonts, but many of them do not have all of the Unicode characters.

If you have screen-scraper set to use a font, and that font does not contain a character you need, you'll see this problem.

Have you checked the steps on

Have you checked the steps on the FAQ?

If you still have a problem, could you share your scrape with me so I can test it?

As far as I can tell FAQ

As far as I can tell FAQ suggests to turn tidying OFF (see my original post) and to set the correct character set (see my original post). What did I miss there?

Christian Pieler

You also need an appropriate

You also need an appropriate font set. If you don't have that, you may be able to get the right characters, but they just don't show up right in the GUI.