While Scraping a DWR Site i got an Error like this..

throw 'allowScriptTagRemoting is false.';
dwr.engine.remote.handleCallback("7","0",[{applyNowUrl:null,city:null,county:null,dateAddedToCart:null,degreeName:"High School

ashwinkumar, Could you


Could you provide a bit more detail for us? Perhaps some way we can reproduce the error message?

If you're scraping AJAX be sure you're using scrapeableFile.setRequestEntity.


am scraping this web

am scraping this web site


this is Developed using Direct Web Remoting API and Html.

ashwinkumar, I'm going to


I'm going to need more information. I am not able to see an example of what you're talking about from the link your provided. You're welcome to email me directly if you need to. scottw [@] screen-scraper.com
