Save button disabled

I have just encountered a problem where the save button and file - save menus have become disabled permanently. Exiting screen-scraper and starting it again have not helped. This is not specific to one template. I am running version 5.5.34a which I upgraded to recently. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

Reply to changes

Hi Jason,

Thanks for the explanation. That helped me figure out a work-around. I am using Windows Server 2003 R2. What is happening is if I make a change to a script or to a page in the scraping session, I am now able to get the save button to become enabled if I change to a different script within that folder or to a different page within the scraping session. However, if I stay in the same page/script and make changes, the Save button does not become enabled. Can this be fixed?



Thanks for the feedback,

Thanks for the feedback, Alivia. We're still refining this change. Watch for updates in upcoming alpha versions.


We just added a feature that

We just added a feature that disables the button if nothing has changed since last save ... if you modify anything, it should activate. Are you not seeing that behavior? If not, on what OS are you running it?