Screen scraper on linux

I start screen scraper server from SHELL SCRIPT using this command

"jre/bin/java -Xmx128M -jar screen-scraper.jar --start-server --interactive"

and I get following message in the shell as follows

"Initializing screen-scraper server. Please wait...
Type "quit" to quit.
? Warning: You're not using a Java Development Kit (SDK) environment so JSP pages can not be compiled.
Starting service LiteWebServer Base Module (lws-base/3.0.3) (with LiteWebServer JSP Module (lws-jsp/1.1.2))"

Now, When i run web scraper in Mozilla browser using and run my scrapes.. i keep getting errors in SHELL SCRIPT WINDOW which says

"// Error: Attempt to access method on primitive... allowing bsh.Primitive to peek through for debugging"

Shell window keeps on adding that line and finally it kills the server.

Any idea why it is doing so. I want to scrape huge amount of data and also need to create log files. Please help.

That particular error isn't

That particular error isn't much to worry about. In Beanshell you're casting an int as and Integer or vice-versa.

I imagine what's killing the server is something else. Do you have an error.log in the log folder? Any indications in there like "out of memory" or anything?