Maximum heap size too large


I am having a big problem. I am having problems with the number of scripts on the stack so I increased the maximum memory and I set the maximumScriptsOnStack to 3000. Now screenscraper will not start saying that the JVM could not be started as the maximum heap size may be too large. Is there a way to get around this as in reset it. If I can't open the program I cannot reset it.

I reinstalled screenscraper.


Assuming you're in a Windows

Assuming you're in a Windows environment, use a command prompt to navigate to screen-scraper's install folder, then type this:

jre\bin\java -Xms10M -Xmx256M -jar screen-scraper.jar

The Xms is the heap size, and you can tweak it, but I can't say in advance what will work for you. Do you have any scripts running when you get the error?