Strange connection error

I'm having trouble debugging this one. I've never seen a message come back as null on a "input/output" error.

"An input/output error occurred while connecting to ''. The message was null."

I'm moderately sure it's making the call to the server, but it works great in a browser, and nothing funky appears to be going on. However, I cannot see ANYTHING in the "Last Request" window. Which is odd.

I can't say for sure, but I think this was working before our last set of upgrades. :(

Scraping file: "Proxy Popup"
Proxy Popup: Processing scripts before a file is scraped.
Proxy Popup: Resolved URL:
Proxy Popup: POST data: SessId=MON6DVRTNOUJ4QC1KODY0RQ&hdCmd=&hdSQLOnly=Y&hdMenuGrps=Customers%2CWEBMenu_NameSearch%2CWEBMenu_PropSearch%2CWEBMenu_TitleBasket%2CWEBMenu_ViewDocs%2CWEBMenu_Torrens%2CWEBMenu_TractBook%2CWEBMenu_SubdivSearch%2CWEBMenu_AddrSearch%2CWEBMenu_MetesSearch%2C&hdAccessList=MN%3DDefault&RecordID=6189&hdSelectedCounty=&DspSubdCom=Y&DspSubdIntCom=&hSubtxtFromDate=&hSubtxtToDate=&hdgCountyAcessList=AN%3BCA%3BCL%3BDK%3BEJ%3BHE%3BJA%3BJO%3BPL%3BRA%3BSC%3BWA%3BWJ%3BWY%3B&hdUsername=naz.vtp&hdgPICountyDateSubList=&hdgSaveSearches=&hdgTractCountyDateSubList=&County=&InstrumentNumber=&Type=A&CurrentPage=1&TotalPage=0&METHOD=LongPrint&ImageID=&GoTOButton=&hdPrintRequested=INST%7C3868157%7C180747087%7C3%7CA%7CRA%7CALL&hdViewRequested=&hdBillingInfoRequested=%7Cnaz%7Cnaz.vtp%7CRA%7C3868157%7CA%7C%7C%7C%7C%7C%7C%7C%7C6189%7C%7C10.1.0.4%7C%7C3%21&PrintType=PrintAllDocs&hdCurrentIndex=0&hdTotalRequested=&hdPrintThisDoc=&hdSessID=MON6DVRTNOUJ4QC1KODY0RQ&hdValideForPrint=
Setting referer to:
Proxy Popup: Sending request.
Proxy Popup: An input/output error occurred while connecting to ''. The message was null.
Proxy Popup: Processing scripts after a file is scraped.

(Wow, three posts from me in the same month? I'm normally much more shy than this..)

Also getting 'message was null' input/output error

I am having the exact same problem with the following URL, using v.6.0:

The URL works fine in browsers, but the log shows this error:

template 13 details: Sending request.
template 13 details: An input/output error occurred while connecting to ''. The message was null.

The 'last request' and 'last response' tabs are both blank.

Is there anything on the

Is there anything on the parameters tab? Especially a variable that might be left null? You'd generally get that error if there is something wrong in your settings so the software cannot create a proper request.

Parameter tab

Hi Jason,
Sorry, I just saw your question. Nothing is in the Parameters tab. To recreate this error, all I need to do is click 'Add Scrapeable File', paste the url into the URL field and then run the scraping session.

Still looking for help

I'm stuck because of this error. Any advice?

It looks like there is an

It looks like there is an oddity on that site where it is sending 2 HTTP statuses (it's running through Microsoft Office Server 5.0). It really shouldn't do that, and it's making screen-scraper choke. We're going to work on a fix right away, but it'll be a little bit of work. Watch for a new alpha version to come out to take care of this.

Robert, Would you please


Would you please email your login credentials so I can take a closer look? Please include an example process flow to get to the image in question.


Will do, thanks for the

Will do, thanks for the assistance. Might take a day to get all the documentation together. :)

Robert, This has been fixed


This has been fixed in alpha version 5.5.8a.

Thank you for your patience.


Excellent, thanks!

Excellent, thanks!