Error with SqlDataManager

I am using the SQLDatamanager object and methods following the examples in the documentation.
In the script that writes to the database which is executed after the extractor pattern is applied, I have an error in shown in the log and the script doesn´t write to the database. The error is:

Processing script: "Write to database"
An error occurred while processing the script: Write to database
The error message was: class bsh.EvalError (line 5): SqlDataManager dm = session .getVariable ( "_DBMANAGER" ) -- Typed variable declaration : Class: SqlDataManager not found in namespace

what can be the problem?
thanks a lot,

It looks like you need to

It looks like you need to import the SQLdataManager on that particular script.

This is currently the start

This is currently the start of my script, including the line that causes the error mentioned earlier:

// Import the classes we'll need.
import com.screenscraper.sql.SqlDataManager;

// Get the data manager from the session variable it is stored in
SqlDataManager dm = session.getVariable( "_DBMANAGER" );

What else exactly do I need to import?

the package to import is

the package to import is com.screenscraper.datamanager.sql.SqlDataManager. I believe the documentation at is up to date.