Scraper Session does not finish
I have a scraping session that I am running to download an excel file.
It runs fine, and creates the file. But the scrape session never finishes.
Here are the last few lines of the scrape.
Scraping file: "Excel"
Excel: Processing scripts before a file is scraped.
Processing script: "NationStar_Download_Curr_URL"
Wrote file from: to file: c:\ScrapeWork\NationStar.xlsx
Excel: Preliminary URL:
Excel: Using strict mode.
Excel: Resolved URL:
Excel: Sending request.
Scott, I will e-mail you the sss.
That did it.
Bart, So, the problem is that
So, the problem is that you have a script which is calling scrapeableFile.getCurrentURL in order to get the URL to pass to session.downloadFile. You are calling your script from a scrapeable file whose URL is the same you are using to download your file.
Two things wrong with this.
So, I recommend that you...
session.downloadFile(currentURL, session.getVariable("DOWNLOAD_PATH"));
I apologize for the confusion with how to use session.downloadFile. I added a note to the documentation that will hopefully make this more clear.
I hope this helps.