Cookie Tracking is Misbehaving

I'm running 5.0.13a and trying to track cookies on a page that I am scraping.

The page sets two cookies but the session.getCookies returns an array with a length of 0. Trying to see where the problem lay I used the session.setCookie to create a cookie to clash with one of the set cookies by the page. The two did not touch.

It appears that the session cookies are not connected to the site's cookies.

Tyler, It was a bug that you


It was a bug that you will see fix in 5.0.14a that will be released shortly.

I just tested and confirmed

I just tested and confirmed this. Looking further.

Glad to see yer still

Glad to see yer still scrapin', Tyler. Thanks for pointing this bug out. It should be fixed in 5.0.14a. Feel free to try it out.


It has become my default automation mechanism. I love to automate things.

That seems to have resolved the issue, thanks.