extractor Pattern doesn't work

I’m desesperate ! I try to scrape a simple page with a Extractor Pattern and sub extractor Pattern but nothing works !
Here is the link : http://www.lesinrocks.com/musique/concerts/detail-concert/concert/festival-all-stars/

What i want, is the description part :

div class="description"><p><strong>JAZZ, BLUES,WORLD</strong> Le bien nommé festival All Stars reçoit des stars à domicile : Roy Hargrove, Fred Wesley, Judy Collins, Eddie Palmieri, Booket T, Hot Tuna, les Skatalites… Moins étoilés mais tout aussi recommandables, le fervent soulman Lee Fields (révélé l’an dernier avec un album parfait) et le guitariste Robert Randolph (phénomène de la steel guitar religieuse) pour sauver nos âmes.
<p><strong>1er juillet : </strong>Bamboleo

I try different pattern like :

div class="maincol clearfix">
div class="header">

But nothing works
Please can you help me
PS :I don’t use Tidy HTML because the web pages are encoded in ISO 8859

I was having trouble too,

I was having trouble too, until I tweaked the extractor thusly:

<div class="description"><p><strong>JAZZ, BLUES,WORLD</strong>~@DESCRIPTION@~</p>

And I have a NO HTML RegEx in the DESCRIPTION token. Will that work? If not, we couldn't likely get it all with a more precise RegEx in there.