use mail server to send email

I used mail server to send email in script ,but it was error.The error msg is "553 5.1.8 ... Domain of sender address Administrator@lenovo-f6cc8683 does not exist ".It's an inside mail server.
But I had used other outside mail server to send ,it's also error, and the error msg is "Could not connect to SMTP host:, port: 25, response: 421".May I use an inside mail server?

Hi, This may be an issue with


This may be an issue with how your mail server is configured, but it may also be that you simply need to set the "From" header for your email. For example, as the last parameter to the sendMail method call ( you might pass something like:

"From: [email protected]"

Hopefully that helps. If not, feel free to post a reply.

Kind regards,
