Difference between Vista and Server 2003


Has anyone had problems moving from Vista to Windows Server 2003? Some of my extractor patterns from Vista do not match on 2003.

Another question: Using the SS web interface. What should the Memory usage be? When i start the web interface, it is around 3-4 %, but after the first session it is 20-25 %. After the session is done, shouldn't it go back to the 3-4 %?


Screen-scraper should work no

Screen-scraper should work no differently on Vista vs Server 2003. In the past we've had more luck running on 2003 by setting screen-scraper in XP Compatibility mode, but I don't think that would explain this. Can you see in the log if Tidy is failing on one, and working on the other?

Char set

Hi Jason

I found that the problem was solved when switching to the same char set on both machines. Regarding the memory usage what can the reason for this be?
