The program can't start because verify.dll is missing for your computer.

I am attempting to run screen-scraper for the first time. I am using Windows 7 64-bit. I clicked "all programs", "screen scraper enterprise edition", "screen scraper".

This message appeared: "The program can't start because verify.dll is missing for your computer. Try re-installing the program to fix the problem."

I had installed the 30 day trial version a couple of months ago but never used it. Then I uninstalled it and re-installed it when it looked like I might get a job that uses it. The second installation message said that I can use it until January 15. I first tried it today (1-3-2010).

I went to Windows 7 services and saw the service "screen-scraper server". It was stopped. I went to Windows Task manager, clicked the "services" button, which brought up a list of services. I started scree-scraper service and it went to "Running" status. But I still get the "verify.dll" message when I try to start a csreen scraper session.

I tried UN-installing screen-scraper using the uninstall option that display from the "all programs" for screen-scraper. Attempting to uninstall it also produced the "verify.dll" message. Is it OK to try to uninstall it using the Windows 7 Control Panel? Will this corrupt anything?

I saw something that said that java installs a version of verify.dll. Does screen-scraper have its own version of verify.dll?

What do you recommend?

I have screen-scraper

I have screen-scraper installed on Windows 7 64bit, so I know it will work, but I didn't see any issues like this.

Use of the Windows 7 add/remove programs will pose no problems.

Screen-scraper comes with it's own JRE, so all of the needed Java files should be therein. I would suggest removing screen-scraper, making sure the directory is deleted, and reinstalling. Make sure it's installed to \program files (x86)\ and that there are no errors during install; if there is an error, let me know what it tells you and that should help.

It wouldn't delete, so I just re-installed it over itself.

Another glitch. In the Control Panel, uninstalling programs, I responded "no" the first time the permissions prompt came up to ask permission to delete screenn-scraper. (I wanted to make sure I was deleting the right program.) The next time I tried to delete the program it did not issue any prompt. And it also did not delete screen-scraper. I couldn't find the Windows 7 function that would allow me to delete the program. It seems to have taken "no" as a permanent condition, and won't ask the prompt question again. Do you know what it is?

But I was able to bypass the verify.dll message and start screen-scraper by simply re-installing screen-scraper over itself. When I went to "all programs" and clicked "screen-scraper" it started up.

I also found that the screen-scraper service did not start by clicking "Start Server" in "All programs". I had to bring up the Task manager and start the service there.