Save Freezes Program in Workbench Mode

Hello Support:

The "Save" freezes when I'm in workbench mode. I'm running XP Pro and have version 4.5.47a but have noticed it intermittenly with other versions. Has anyone reported the same problem?



I have had the same problem

I have had the same problem for quite a few alpha versions and it followed me from Vista into the the world of Windows 7 as well. Every time I build a scrape in workbench mode a large number of "kills" and re-starts of SS is needed. So yes Adrian, I got the same headache.

This seems to only happen when the server damson is running though. I mistakenly checked "start sever on bootup" on installation and I have not found any way to disable it besides killing the process after start up. Is there such a way?

Johan, This is preventable if


This is preventable if you ensure that the server is not running before you launch the workbench. To stop the server in Windows...

Right-click on the screen-scraper icon in your system tray and choose Stop.

If there is no icon in your system tray you'll need to stop it using the services console. Go Start > Run type services.msc. Scroll down to screen-scraper's service. Right-click and choose Stop.

If you want to prevent the server from starting automatically when you launch Windows, right-click and choose Properties. Under Startup type select Manual.


Great! Thanks Scott


Thanks Scott

Adrian, As we talked about on


As we talked about on the phone, this problem can occur when screen-scraper crashes (or is forced to shutdown) leaving screen-scraper's java.exe database process still alive. Then you launch screen-scraper again. What happens is you end up with more than one screen-scraper process running on the same ports and trying to access the same database resources. This can cause subsequent strange behavior like the app freezing and not able to start.

We have a mechanism in place that while not allow screen-scraper's workbench to be run simultaneously as two processes provided the database process is alive for the first. However, when the db process is not running for an errant screen-scraper process, we don't currently have a way to check for that errant screen-scraper process.

As a work-around, if screen-scraper crashes or you are forced to shut it down make sure no screenscraper.exe, server.exe, or java.exe processes are running before restarting screen-scraper.
