How to control multiple instance via web console?


I am trying to install multiple instances of Screen-Scraper on one system. I've made the modification as mentioned in the FAQ (

The question now is how can I control these multiple instances of Screen-Scraper at the same time? I tried to access the web console thru the DOS script as mentioned in the FAQ, but even this method can only run one instance. Or is Screen-Scraper designed to run only one instance at a time even though can install many instances?

Thank you in advance for your help!

Depends on the OS you have

Depends on the OS you have them on.

A linux system is easy.

Due to a 'feature' in Windows, you can only have 1 screen-scraper service installed. Therefore you run it as usual, and the other installations need to run in interactive mode.

Unfortunately we are running

Unfortunately we are running on Windows Xp.

It seems in interactive mode, there is only start and stop command? How do we import or edit the scraping sessions and control which scraping session to run like we can do in the workbench?

Thank you in advance for your help!

You still need to configure

You still need to configure each installation separately as in

Then you can import sessions by either putting them in the import sub-directory, or in enterprise edition, open the web-controller and import them through there.

There is no means to edit scrapes in server mode. You would need the workbench for that.