Ajax Results page

Hi guys-

I have started working on another website for a client and having a little difficulty. I am able to walk through all the steps via the proxy, but can't figure out what page is posting the results table "Melhores ofertas por pessoa" (best offers). The results table completely loads after all the airline rates load. Any ideas on where to look?

The website address is


Attachment Size
viajanet.com_.br (Scraping Session).sss 2.7 KB

Jeremy, This looks a bit more


This looks a bit more complicated than it actually is. I believe the data you're after is in this page.


Because they're using AJAX, in order to request this page properly you'll need to manually set a few headers.

scrapeableFile.setContentType("application/json; charset=utf-8");

Place the above in a script and call the script from the scrapeable file but before the file is scraped.

Because this site is .Net, you'll want to be sure the referer is set correctly. You could either add this to your script...


...or, just have a scrapeable file scraping the same URL run before running the GetFlights scrapeable file.

I'll attach a sample scraping session, too.

I found this out by using the new Find feature in screen-scraper's proxy, repeated trial-and-error with the Last Request "Compare with proxy transaction..." feature, and referencing the API.


I did a quick proxy of that

I did a quick proxy of that page, and I got 50 http responses. It looks like the table you seek is populated with JSON data, and the request looks like: http://passagens-aereas.viajanet.com.br/webservices/WSFlight.asmx/GetFlights